In our lives, the only thing we can be sure of is that we don’t know what lies ahead. While the unknown can be exciting for some, others find it absolutely terrifying. But in our world of uncertainty, it’s best to find comfort in routine.
Our routines are sacred; we follow them like clockwork without much variation. For some, it’s waking up at 5:00 am to work, sitting at their coffee table every morning to read, or going to their favorite restaurant every Thursday night. For me, it’s making coffee.
My coffee routine is soothing. It follows the same steps every time.
Grab a coffee filter
Put the filter in the coffee pot
Scoop the desired amount of coffee grounds into the filter
Watch the rejuvenating liquid fall into my cup
Add my flavoring of choice to the hot coffee and mix
Pour the mixture into a tall glass of ice
Add milk
(Optional) Add a cold foam to the top.
Following this routine almost daily makes me feel at ease. I don’t know what my day (or should I say night) will bring, but I know what’s in my coffee. I know it contains everything I like and will taste how I expect it to. As neurotic as that sounds, this is what truly brings me comfort.
I hope every one of you has a routine that brings you comfort. If you do, feel free to share it in the comments! But if you don’t, I urge you to find one. And if you are struggling to find one on your own, find a friend who shares similar interests and create a routine together. They say there is strength in numbers, and there’s nothing more comforting than doing an activity with a friend. So embrace the unknown. Because while there is nothing we can do to change it, we can find ways to cope.